Further to our story about the Roughyeds’ top brass taking part in the YEDS sponsored walk to the Crown Oil Arena at Rochdale at the end of July — in aid of the Rob Burrow fund for the fight against MND — the YEDS have clarified one or two points while thanking Bill Quinn, Mike Ford and Jim Minton for their support.
The Walk is for anyone, irrespective of whether they intend to attend Hornets v Oldham at the end of it, but everyone walking with YEDS needs to book with them officially (below) due to licensing and stewarding regulations. In other words they can’t just turn up to be in the YEDS party.
The £5 entry fee goes to YEDS initially, but will then go into the donation pot and 100 per cent of it will be donated to the MND fund, together with sponsorship.
YEDS will also be providing a T-shirt and a few other things as a welcome pack, free of charge and costed by sponsors.
A spokesman said:
“There was absolutely nothing incorrect about the original article, but we have had a few calls from people seeking clarification, so these are the answers.”